
Archive for November, 2013

A second-hand book I’m referencing today is “Who Did What”, a biographical dictionary. Mostly, I bought it because of all the clippings the previous owner collected, and the names they’ve added to the front page.
Names added include:

Joseph Merrick, Elephant Man.

Newton (Sailor, then clergyman) wrote the Poem ‘Amazing Grace’ then mayed into song.

Vegemite “Parwill” 1928 Fred Walker. (I know that Parwill was an early name for Vegemite, an answer to the produce Marmite. Marmite, but Parwill!)

The clippings are curious indeed.

“Wife enjoys humiliating him”, about a man who says his wife is frigid, yet blames him in public for his ‘inability’.

“Anti-smoke drug alert as 19 die”. The drug is Zyban. I wonder if it is still prescribed?

“Beware these Carcinogens” and lists a number of them.

“Warning to Asthma sufferers”. This is another drug-gone-wrong story.

I’m getting the picture of someone who is very concerned with their health. Hypochondriac?

There are also pressed flowers and leaves.

It’s quite a book.

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